Sunday, February 15, 2009

NOT murder.

much excitement ensued when i opened my email this morning to find a message entitled "meat is NOT murder" from good friends and fellow food lovers matt and bj barber (matt coined the "happy meat" phrase, must give credit where it is due!). last night, they were invited to a fabulous and exclusive dinner party featuring fresh roasted elk from montana that was hunted, prepared, hand-carried on an airplane, and perfectly cooked by their friend and documentary filmmaker shonda. shonda began hunting in montana handful of years ago under the influence of a boyfriend and she hasn't looked back!

they filled me in on all of the details of the wonderful and simple meal. i don't know much about cooking elk (yet!), but they said that the meat is so lean that it must be cooked very delicately... as you can see, it is very pink on the inside.

it received rave reviews-- very flavorful and filling and prepared with bacon on top.

see, sarah palin didn't totally ruin female hunter stereotypes... ehhh...

sorry, couldn't resist.

thanks, barbers!


  1. I was just about to ask you what your thoughts are on hunting. I think the hunters who are in it for the thrill of the kill give it a bad reputation. Seems to me it's about equivalent (or even more ethical) than farming happy meat, if done for subsistence. I've been wanting to learn how to hunt for awhile now, and I was thinking about asking my uncle to teach me.

  2. i agree! hunting for sport still bothers me because the intentions seem skewed, but i am starting to think that people who consume meat should, at least once in their lifetime, experience where their food comes from in that way. i would love to hear about your experiences when you learn!
