Thursday, August 6, 2009

remember this?

Oh boy. Remember these pictures from the London Science Centre?

Turns out there's some activity on the meat-for-energy front! Check out this article about Tesco's new ideas about converting meat to electricity. Warning: not safe for vegetarians... but better for the environment than wasting meat meant for eating, right?
On another note, Tesco really seems to be doing some cutting-edge (for a grocery store) things so I'd hate for squeamishness about this particular issue to take away from the good. Although they are a UK chain, they have opened a string of markets in California, Nevada, and Arizona (Fresh & Easy, anyone?) in borderline/low-income areas that sell inexpensive produce and "whole" foods for those of us on a tight budget. What they sell isn't always "organic," but is sure a heck-of-a-lot better and more well-intentioned than other chains that love the low-income neighborhoods.
Just sayin'.

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