Thursday, March 12, 2009

regarding extreme meats:

i have a very vivid childhood memory of journeying to a meat warehouse in downtown detroit with the family of some friends who were home schooled to pick up some supplies for a biology project.
i wasn't prepared for what i saw-- hundreds of skinned cows hanging out waiting for butchering. i also wasn't prepared for what they were purchasing-- a fresh bag of eyeballs for dissection.

whenever i come across lists like this, i think of that experience. i was totally creeped out to see that as a child, but now that i think about it, isn't that a great example of being a good steward of our resources? i am absolutely an advocate of using all of the parts of an animal that was raised and slaughtered for food, but perhaps they need not be consumed!? sure, i'm for a beef tongue taco and using marrow in soups, and gosh, we classy, snobby americans eat hot dogs every day and who knows what's in there??
...but unless i am trying to take part in a cultural tradition, i don't know if i feel it necessary to turn a moose nose into jelly or feel an octopus' suckers sticking to me on the way down.

maybe that's just me. and there will be more left for you.

and as far as food lists go, this has always been one of my favorites. because what little kid doesn't beg mom for raw horseflesh ice cream? mmm...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of not being wasteful, but I just can't get past my hangups about the nasty bits, so thank goodness for coyotes and other such scavengers. Composting works for some things, but certainly not meat. My dad doesn't even keep a compost pile at all. He just throws all his food scraps off the deck and they're gone by the next morning. We do the same with soup bones and such (after we've leached all the good stuff out). I think even the big food producers have ways of not wasting... dog food and such.

    You know I think Greg would eat wasabi ice cream if I made it for him. I should try it!
